When I started working for the sana Heat-Pants, I thought: HALLELUJAH. Finally working for a product that can help women (and in this case especially me - I have to be honest). I've been suffering from incredibly severe menstrual pain since I stopped taking the pill years ago. So strong that I wouldn't have a chance to get through the day without painkillers.
If I miss the time when I have to take a new pill, I can also throw up. Also, I have pain during sex. And also just in between. Heat doesn't take the pain away, but it makes it a lot more bearable. Especially when you have to function in everyday life. If you do marketing for panties that are supposed to help against menstrual pain, then of course you read a lot. And that's how I started (shame on me that I had to be 34 years old for this) to deal more closely with my pain. Somewhere was the sentence "If you need painkillers to get through your menstruation, then that's not normal." Aha. And what does that mean then? Endometriosis is behind it in many cases. A benign, chronic condition in which endometrial-like tissue grows in the abdomen. In places where it doesn't belong. This tissue can be located in the uterus (then one speaks of adenomyosis), but also in the peritoneum, in the fallopian tubes, in the ovaries, in the bladder, in the intestines and I even spoke to a person affected who has herds in the lungs.
The symptoms of endometriosis include period-dependent and period-independent pain, pain during sexual intercourse, bladder and bowel spasms, cyclic bleeding from the bladder and bowel, infertility, cysts, adhesions and states of exhaustion.
Since some of this applies to me, I asked my (then) gynecologist about it and the result of the examination was rather sobering. "Yeah, looks kinda like it. But you can't say exactly. It's not so bad now, is it? Do you wish to have children? Just try it! If it doesn't work, then we'll take a look. As long as the pills help, it's all good.” Well, I wouldn't call it all good. On average, women have their periods 450 times in their lifetime. Many of them suffer from these complaints their whole lives and have to take medication 450 times? No, that's not good.
Unfortunately, the disease is still unexplored and the cause unclear. Many gynecologists simply don't know and women are made to feel that their complaints are ridiculous. However, there are centers and outpatient clinics in Austria that have come a long way and take women and their pain seriously.
I have spoken to many women over the past few months whose symptoms are far worse than mine and who are unable to function normally. Pain is a big challenge. Mainly because the topics "menstruation" and "women's health", both topics that can also be associated with complaints, are still taboo.
I was recently diagnosed with adenomyosis. The only way to be completely sure is through a tummy tuck. And somehow I'm not ready for that yet... What helped me a lot is the exchange with other women. And that is also the reason why I am writing this. Because a lot of women should know that a lot of them feel the same way and that talking helps <3
Last but not least:
Talk about
The more I talk about my period complaints, the more feedback I get from other women. Other women who feel the same way, who have tips for me or are very grateful to me for an experience.
support groups
A term with a bad reputation. Call it women's circle, coffee party or whatever you want. I can tell you: These groups and the exchange with other women is very valuable and helps.
A few affected women from Austria have founded a voluntary association and are primarily dedicated to raising awareness of this disease. All competence centers in Austria can be found here.
book tip
I've just read "As a rule, I'm strong" by Anna Wilken and Saskia Hirschberg. The ex-GNTM suffers from endometriosis and describes how she is doing with the disease.
The easy entry into the sana® world. Our product sets contain everything you need to start your sana® future. From the panties to the charger. After that you can of course expand or add to it as it suits you. Exchangeable batteries for more heat on the go or individual panties because you would like to change or the panties need to be replaced.